Plastic Solutions Fund

Plastic Solutions Fund

Plastic pollution. Creative Commons: Samuel Zeller

Every year at least 8 million tons of plastic enters the ocean, with single use plastic and plastic packaging being the largest part of the problem. Recognizing that the best way to protect ocean ecosystems is to stop the plastic ending up in the ocean in the first place, Oceans 5 has contributed to the Plastic Solutions Fund, a funder collaborative aimed at stemming the tide of plastic pollution.

Eighty percent of the plastic ending up in the ocean comes from land. The Plastic Solutions Fund supports projects aimed at reducing production of single use plastic and packaging at the top end of the supply chain. This includes projects that help change the way companies and brands deliver products to consumers, the way cities, particularly in Asia, manage plastic waste and that change the stories people hear and tell about plastic.

If successful, the Plastic Solutions Fund will decrease the amount of plastic pollution by supporting projects that ensure:
● Companies innovate products and delivery systems such that single use products become the exception rather than the norm.
● Cities recognize and promote the environmental and financial benefits of zero waste systems.
● A culture of cringe rather than a culture of convenience accompanies the use of single use products; and
● A large, vocal, high profile, successful global movement emerges.